Page 10 - TEK METAL
P. 10

THIOKOL                            POLYSULPHİDE                     ТИОКОЛ

               Thiokol Nedir?                   What is the polysulphide?         Что такое тиокол?

               Isı yalıtımı sisteminde, camlar   Thiokol is a special sealing compound   Это соединение двух химических
               arasında  sızdırmazlık/ düşük su   for manufacturing insulating glass   компонентов  А и В, используемый
               buharı geçirgenli / düşük gaz    units. It is a 2 component sealing   в системе теплоизоляции для
               difüzyonu  amacıyla  kullanılan,  material which has excellent adhesion   низкой проходимости газа и
               A ve B kompanent olmak üzere     to clean surfaces such as glass,   водяного пара.
               2 bileşenden oluşan kimyasal     aluminium or steel. The mixture made
               malzemedir.                      from 1 part B component and 10 part
                                                of A component applied all arround
                                                the insulating glass unit will stop
                                                permeability of water and  keep the
                                                Windows safe for long years.

                  A Component   B Component          A Component            B Component     A Component          B Component
                  190 lt                   19 lt             52 lt                             6 lt                                 16 lt                         2 lt

             NOT:  Müşteri taleplerine göre ambalaj miktarları değişebilir.
             PS:    We can change packing according  to customer’s request.
             СПРАВКА:  По желанию клиента упаковка может быть изменена.


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